Friday, March 6, 2009

Email-bag on crime and punishment, current affairs, Free Press layoffs, and a final word from James Turner

" Making change "

One murder and Halifax implements change in an attempt to make things better for its citizens and its visitors. What will it take to get the same willingness to address problems going in Manitoba ?

Car theft a problem? Blame people for not immobilizing their cars.

Murders in the street? Allow relatives of the murderer to taunt the victim’s family outside of the law courts.

People dying in hospitals after a wait that spans more than a day? Hide from the media and answer questions only when cornered.

Kids dying in family services? Crocus scaring away investors? Food banks feeding strikers and not the poor? Is there anything Manitobans are getting answers or resolution on? Don’t Manitobans deserve progress, however incremental, like everyone else?

Is it any wonder that the following shows up in international media regarding a province that has pulled way ahead of Manitoba ?

Steve Andjelic, Halifax

" Common Sense and Personal Responsibility "


Listening to your show yesterday, I think I reached for my phone 3 or 4 times. I was going to call in but realized I would have gotten into every topic you covered yesterday and thought that you didn't need a guest caller for the whole show.

Is it just me or would a combination of common sense and personal responsibility be the answer for just about every topic you talked about yesterday??

* Disrealli Freeway, why is it so hard to use common sense on this issue? I don't care what the Mayor says he is promising that it will never be shut down for 16 months solid, why is it not a priority to do the Louise Bridge first, making it 4 lanes, then shut down the Disraeli?? Use your brains and give the people of the north east end of the city some options to get downtown. This isn't rocket science guys.

* Vince Li, how does this make any sense. Here you have a guy who committed probably the most disturbing murder in Manitoba, period. He obviously is not mentally all there, something is wrong, it has to be to do that kind of act in the first place. But how can any system which claims to provide justice for the people allow this guy really to be let go once he is declared mentally stable? I'm not going to go into the fact that he knowingly carried a hunting knife onto the bus, before he heard the voice from God.

Yet why is our law not set up in such a fashion that you go to a mental institution until you are declared mentally sound and then spend the rest of your sentence in a prison facility? I'm so glad that 2 psychologists feel he is a great guy when properly medicated. Have they never heard of patients not taking their medications? Obviosuly un-medicated he is too dangerous to be out with the general public. Again use some common sense, and regardless of mental illness, there needs to be some form of personal accountability.

* Maclean's Magazine ranking us as 2nd (most dangerous city). Instead of taking some responsibility and trying to make some changes to our system to make our city better, the city officials want to challenge to findings. Let's not ever take any blame, let's reverse the blame on the magazine and stick our heads in the sand, while our streets get taken over by thugs.

* The church/private school opposing the opening of a tattoo parlour across the street on the chance that gang member may get tattoo'd there. Give your head a shake, as you pointed out yesterday, they should shut down every business within 4 blocks of the school for the same reason.

* Police shooting the stabber (on Ashburn). This is a 2 pointer here, for all these guys claiming the cops are now sharp shooters, wake up. For all you know the cop shot for centre mass and the guy moved. Now for the personal responsibility portion, this guy has a rap sheet as long as my arm and his parents are claiming how nice of a kid he is. What a joke.

How about a 3 strikes system?? This guy wouldn't have had the opportunity to get shot by the cops if we had a system in place that took crime seriously. Here is a guy who has ignored every condition of any sentence he has ever received and we are supposed to think poor guy, how could the cops shoot him?? I'm so sick and tired of people not respecting police by pulling a weapon on them. Take some responsibility for your own actions, and stop blaming the cops for shooting you.

* The girl who's mom won't let her go to school. Are you kidding me? I thought our problem was trying to keep kids in school? Here we have a girl who wants to go to school, her mom has some kind of issue with her, so her punishment is not allowing her to go to school. This mother should be charged with child abuse and the girl should be allowed to attend any school she wants in her area. Let's get over ourselves here. And oh yeah wasn't there some idiot from the government who said they couldn't release many details on this situation because of the privacy act? what a joke.

* Layoffs at the Freep. How does this make sense, let's lay off 5 people, some of who are great reporters, ie. James Turner, who I was saddened to see let go in the paper today. Instead why don't they let go of 2 or 3 big money reporters who are well past their welcome and keep 5 or 6 younger reporters who are doing good work and need to keep writing in order to get better. But in the complete lack of common sense that is any union environment, get rid of the newest guy in favour of the old, overpaid lump.

* Israel Apartheid week. How can any learning institution allow hate speech in their building? nothing more to say there, that should be enough.

* Rapid Transit land procurement. Hmmm let's find any way we can, regardless of who we put out of business, to get our ridiculous normal bus on a separate roadway system in place. Instead of maybe doing a study, which they seem to love to do all the time anyways, to find a route that doesn't procure land to build a transit system that is truly worthy of the title "Rapid". But no, lets just do something that makes no sense because we are stubborn and don't want to use our heads to do the right thing.

* And let's not forget our Manitoba Government who is filled with people who refuse to take responsibility for anything and every single program the bring out makes no sense. There are too many scandals to list or go into that this government has been either responsible for or caught knee deep in to be even remotely acceptable.

ur healthcare system is a joke, the crime in our province is off the rails, our infrastructure is crumbling all around us and who does the Doer government usually blame??? Another government, either the feds for not doing something, like making new laws that we won't enforce properly anyways, or they wont give us any money. Oh yeah and my other favorite scapegoat, the Filmon Government from a decade ago. If you can't get your house in order in 10 years, get out of the way cause you are the problem, not the solution.

* Even the recent low flow toilet program was a total joke. To set it up for a 1 day program makes no sense. Also was there any research done to only rebate toilets that worked? Not if they allowed you to buy any toilet on the market there wasn't. What do people do with toilets that don't work? They throw them out or return them. And when you return them, do you think the customers got to use the rebate again? Doubt it.

Sorry had to vent.



" Sentencing in Saskatchewan "

Thank god that the recommendation from the sentencing circle were dismissed (or did not apply, as the case may be).

CTV coverage: "But in handing out the sentence, Judge Barry Morgan said that Pauchay hadn't taken responsibility for the deaths and didn't seem to understand how his actions had led to the tragedy."

3 years? For killing two little children? I think we really need minimum sentencing in this country.

Since Pauchay plead guilty, was he in remand or was he living at home? I ask because if he was in remand for the past year, he would be out in another couple months, wouldn't he? (two for one time served, plus early parole after 2/3rd right?)

" Free Press layoffs "

Just watch. Next the print shop will get closed down.

If that paper wants to survive, they're going to have to contract out
their printing operations.

The overhead associated with purchasing supplies, shipping costs and
labour is going to heavily burden the company.

Now that the paper's top beat-specific reporters are gone, there's nothing
left to read except columns and non-local, wire-crap they use to "fill"
the pages.

Further, the website -- which thousands have come to rely upon for FREE news, absolutely cheapens the content and value of the paper-copy. No one buys it anymore except seniors and pet-owners.

The value of the paper is falling quicker than the temperature on a
January night.

The paper needs to sell advertising content. They must focus on the
most-read mediums they market -- the website, followed by the paper. A
weekly magazine-format might even be an attractive alternative. Reporters could focus on FEATURES...the content we the people, enjoy the most.

The management has no idea what they're doing and the problem is
compounded by the GREEDY union.

I hope ALL PARTIES are proud of what the paper has now become; a once well-respected and powerful news leader, now fallen to the level of
borderline bankruptcy.

The Freep needs our support, but in order to get it we have to see some
sacrifice and accountability come from the union. It starts there.

and the last word from a Free Press insider:

Thanks for the kind words, Guys.

Please let your listenership know how much I loved being able to write for those of them who read my articles in the FP in the last year.

This aint the end, though. There's lots of work to be done yet.

James Turner
(former) police reporter for the WFP.

Your emails welcome at

Listen to our replay block Sunday night starting at 7 PM, about an hour into the first show is the phone call from Brian Smiley of Manitoba Public Insurance explaining the purchase of CityPlace Mall.

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