Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Special gift donated for TGCTS Live! Crowd at Norwood CC tonight

Thanks to Laurie Mustard and the Winnipeg Sun for the kind mention of tonight's live studio audience version of The Great Canadian Talk Show.

Another act of kindness comes from Michael Melanson, publisher of RETROPEG. The magnificent compilation portraying Winnipeg in the 70's - captured in stark Black and White photos by former Winnipeg musician James Donahue - was a favorite call-in prize and gift for guests. Michael personally delivered cases of RETROPEG to me, and so the first 75 people in attendance at tonight's TGCTS Show will get a copy, as a token of our appreciation for your support.

We will be bringing forward even MORE new information about the real story behind the cancellation of TGCTS by Red River College officials on the Kick-FM Board, as well as surprising news about MSM reporting practices in the recent civic election.

Stand Up For Free Speech
87 WALMER ( ST MARYS turn west to FERNDALE, turn right onto Walmer and it is just around the corner)
7.30 PM Start time
$20 at the door