Monday, November 3, 2008

Vacant and Derelict Buildings, One Year Later, By the Numbers

Young Josh here, and by audience request, I've got the numbers on the Vacant and Derelict Buildings Bylaw from before and after The Great Canadian Talk Show's special reports in late 2007. Here you go!

When Justin Swandel made his declarations in October 2007…

Waiting List of Derelict Properties: 880

Number of Inspectors: 2

Number of Properties Available For Taking Title: 12

Length of Time Until City Seizes Property: 450 Days (roughly 15 months)

One Year Later, After TGCTS Releases Its Five-Point Plan…

Waiting List of Derelict Properties: 700

Number of Inspectors: 5

Number of Properties The City Took Title To: 11

Length of Time Until City Seizes Property: 360 Days (just under a year)

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In the year since we covered this story on The Great Canadian Talk Show, the increases we've seen have been greater than in all three years prior to our coverage.

That being said, there's still a great deal that Justin Swandel and the other councilors at City Hall can do to improve their performance on this bylaw.

- They can hire more inspectors— perhaps students at trade colleges around the city would be willing to do the work during on-the-field placements?
- They can cut down the series of checkpoints and waiting periods even further— somehow, I doubt the existing set of three to five waiting periods are strictly necessary.

- Of course, the city is waiting for the provincial government to respond to a request to amend the City Charter (City of Winnipeg Act) to streamline the allowed seizure time down to 30 days, as the province now mandates 90, giving slum lords lots of time to play the system.

The final verdict? The wheels at City Hall are turning and grinding, but not fast enough.

I'm Young Josh, I'm on this story, and so are you.

Keep listening! Cheers.