Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bike lobby smears AT safety concerns as " civic election hysteria", will "focus on celebrating bicycle culture" after federal deadline revoked

Minutes of the October meeting of Bike To The Future reveals a lobby group floundering after the unexpected backlash against their pet projects, resorting to propaganda campaigns and a shocking plan to divert attention from the dangerous traffic circles by smearing opponents as a "hysterical" minority:

"Were confident that the vast majority of Winnipeggers will support these projects once we get beyond the shock/hysteria from some local residents. Most Winnipeggers already support these projects. The Civic Election has definitely contributed to hysteria ..."

- Unable to secure funding for its lobbying efforts, defections from the Board has left the lobbying group shorthanded and burned out.

"Kevin is concerned that virtually nobody wants to do staff work for a volunteer salary, although we know virtually everybody wants to continue contributing to BttF in some way. ..

To do everything we want to do requires a staff person, but obtaining funding is very difficult. Someone suggested partnering with Manitoba Cycling Association, however it was explained why that can.t work ... Mark C will also continue on, but he wants a break from the major task of City Committee Chair. Vicky will also continue on, but as Secretary. According to our bylaws, this is a resignation as Director, and running for election as Secretary. .. Jackie and Rob are stepping down after one year of their two-year terms.

We need to recruit 4 new Directors, and if the new Board decides to maintain standing committees for City and Membership, we.ll need a director to chair them. The learning curve is one hurdle to attracting directors."

- Bike to the Future decided to duck those affected by the Nassau/Roslyn bike lane rather than defend it publicly, after resorting to a propaganda campaign against the outraged public - which found favor with the officials whose work is under scrutiny.

"Our strategy for the Roslyn/Nassau route hasn.t been implemented; we.re having second thoughts about it (engaging businesses and seniors)..."

Kevin, Curt, Mark C. and Gareth, plus Anders, Shannon, Charles, and Dave met 11 days ago (Friday October 1st) to discuss the negative media (late September) and what we could do to facilitate positive media (see October, and also see our Latest News items). We were fairly successful: lots of letters from members/supporters, a project. Engineer wrote us with thanks."

- BttF's tactics includes misrepresenting and smearing successful community opponents, claiming the science of AT safety is settled, and bragging about their role in dividing communities, although renaming city bike routes remains beyond their selfish grasp:

"The Sherbrook bike lane appears to have been put on-hold (despite the City Centre Committee endorsing it) after Mayor Katz met with the manager of the Ellice Street Cafe, who opposes the bike lane."

(In fact, Belinda Squance of Ellice Cafe has demanded a retraction of this smear, as she has repeatedly explained she does not oppose the Sherbrook bike lane, but a year-round loss of parking on the working-class east side of Sherbrook is not in the public interest -see below.)

"Support from emergency access vehicle operators would help to dispel the common misconception that new AT infrastructure creates barriers for emergency vehicles. "

"2011 will involve less advocacy of the City, and more focus on celebrating bicycle culture... but naming bike routes after cyclists is opening a can of worms."

- Minutes of the Oct. 20th BttF sucking-up meeting with Mayor Sam Katz confirmed that the city has accepted
A) the need for consultation on McDermot and
B) the compromise agreement achieved by Squance and the West End Biz for Sherbrook which was withheld from the Public Works hearing, and reversed the double-cross

"... we thanked Mayor Katz for his leadership on AT. Mayor Katz is proud of what has been achieved so far..."

"Mayor Katz would like to hear some ideas about how to bridge the negative gap between cyclists and motorists

Although construction of the McDermot-Bannatyne Bikeway was put on hold, the City is moving forward by consulting with area stakeholders...a seasonal bike lane (April to October) will be painted on Sherbrook.

- The minutes also reveal that the claims of "USE IT OR LOSE IT" WAS A LIE.

" The March 31, 2011 deadline for the federal stimulus funding is not "carved in stone". Project work that doesn't finish this fall before snow arrives will be completed in the spring (i.e. after March 31, 2011)."