Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fire Dept. motto "safety first" changed to "safety maybe", thanks to bike lane on Assiniboine

Email and video from a listener at noon today:

Hi Marty,

What we all have been talking about with emergency vehicles happened on Edmonton near Broadway.

It took place today at about 11:30. Many emergency vehicles were at the Edmonton Broadway corner. They are not visible in the videos (they are beyond the bus which must also have been caught up in this). Many of us turned to go north on Edmonton and ran into this. I do not know what they were responding to.

The yellow fire truck was not needed in the emergency and the only way it could get out was by backing down Edmonton. Not an easy task since many cars (including myself) had turned onto Edmonton.

All cars had to turn around and go south on Edmonton to clear the way.

The second and third video show the truck backing up. Just as it was getting in the clear a school bus came around the corner and more shuffling had to be done for this truck to get out of the way.

The cars that had to back out or turn around on Edmonton had no choice but to use the bike lane going east bound on Assiniboine to be able to get out of the area.

Once the fire truck got to Assiniboine it then had to go down Assiniboine the wrong way all the to Hargrave to find its way out - like the rest of us.

If this vehicle were needed anywhere else it would have been delayed by at least 15 minutes.

Also, I took the opportunity to ask some of the firefighters to find out if they had been consulted about the bike lane on Assiniboine and one of them answered that he had talked to others and did not think they were consulted on the bike lane and how it would affect emergency response in the area.


Today on the show at 4 PM:

- more about Assiniboine Avenue and the "universal design policy" that has endangered the public";
- details of the public safety discussion set for Friday at the Roch traffic circles which residents fear will impede fire department response;
- an in-studio interview with Charleswood-Tuxedo candidate Livio Ciarelli;
- a surprising endorsement for Harvey Smith on brochures in Daniel McIntyre;
- and the anti-cop University Marxists are at it again